In the era of twitter and texting, facebook poems, and gchat, the power of the written word can get lost. The necessity to hold the printed text in your hand and sit down in a comfortable chair or under tree or in your car after a long hard day at work and read the words before you has been replaced by the iphone. Yet, there are a few people out there that still prefer the typewriter to the laptop, and the letter to the e-mail. Two of them are named Hosho McCreesh and Christopher Cunningham. Established underground writers, McCreesh and Cunningham write with power and conviction, and through typed letters they have formed a bond and created a running dialog on how they view the world.
Here is how Hosho described the book to me, but I think this can sum it up for everyone:
What unfolds here in these pages is the story of two lives as they struggle and search for meaning, for understanding, for some small measure of sense in a cold and often brutal, senseless world. Sometimes scathing and brash, sometime vulnerable, sometimes self-assured, the conversational threads are woven into a constant, furious tapestry covering the landscape of the American South, the desert Southwest and all the way to the cold mountains of Switzerland. Here are two writers clinging desperately to typewriters as war in the Middle East breaks out, as fear and terror motivate and penetrate the culture at large, gouge into its electronic eye, as the artistic mind is flattened, anesthetized. These letters represent a refusal to submit and a wild shout to the heavens that art can still matter. Reading these things over has been a revelation I think both Chris & I agree, that, while we've changed as writers & as people, this is still very much who we are & how we approach our work. Not bad for two guys who've never met.
Over the next few months I will share excerpts, cover concepts, limited edition ideas (and realities), thoughts, input, songs, and so on as we work together to build this book. For now I will leave you with this.
thanks jason, and we're excited. CHOCTAW BINGO is a fucking awesome tune. one of my faves, and so is WE CANT MAKE IT HERE by mcmurtry...
Congrats Jason, I am thoroughly convinced you have clones to help you get all done.
Please send some along.
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